What is MQS?

24-bit, 192kHz high-resolution audio is considered studio quality and also referred to as: Mastering Quality Sound (MQS).

Astell&Kern natively supports MQS (24-bit / 44 - 192kHz), which is the closest quality to the original sound intended by a recording artist. Mastering Quality Sound (MQS) is an acronym of collective lossless & high-resolution audio source formats that typically come encoded with 24bit, 44 to 192kHz of bit/sampling rates. Since MQS delivers about 6.5 times more detail than a conventional CD (16bit/44.1kHz), listeners can enjoy a more realistic music experience.

What does 24-bit and 192kHz mean?

Hertz(Hz) refers to the number of times the sound wave gets measured per second. Files with 192kHz are measured 192,000 times per second. In the digital audio source, 192,000 points per second entails the number of points connected as one line associated to the signal. This is referred to as the sampling rate.

24-bit is each of the 192,000 signals that contain the binary code and is recorded in exponential terms. 2 to the power of 24 is expressed as the numeral 2 multiplied by a total of 24 times, which is referred to as the bit rate.

Sampling rate is the association between resolution and how much information is contained within the music. Bit rate pertains to the dynamic range of a song and clearly expresses the change in pitch and strength of a note.

The higher the sampling and bit rates, the closer you will hear the original sound as it was intended.

When comparing the frequency analysis of MP3 files and CDs (10kHz bandwidth), the differences in noise frequency are evident. When CDs and 24-bit files are compared under the same conditions, the difference in noise is close to zero.